Thursday, December 13

Condition - Doctor's Advice Needed

You have symptoms that make you believe that something is wrong - let's call it a condition. The mosaic of symptoms and its specific treatment work as a puzzle. The Doctor will collect all data and provide his expertise - resolving the puzzle - followed by his/her advice on what treatment course to take - ultimately, you are going to decide what to do next.

Condition Plan of Action:
  1. Keep track of all signs/symptoms - even if you are not sure if it's relevant
  2. Ask what the Doctor says the condition is - write down the name
  3. Ask what the options are for the treatment
  4. Ask how long the treatment usually takes
  5. Ask what the side effects of the therapy are
  6. Ask what can happen if you discontinue the treatment
  7. Ask what is the expected time frame for the healing process - and what is the worst case scenario
Understanding and probing the reasons why your Doctor is choosing a therapy is a good way to face the problem towards a solution. In case you are not comfortable with one Doctor's positioning, get a second opinion - and avoid delaying the treatment. Some conditions should not have the treatment delayed with the risk of worsening it - sometimes with irreversible consequences.
Alternative & Natural ways can be considered, depending on what the condition is - but with a risk to delay the treatment if it's not effective.

A good and positive attitude is proven to help the healing process. Connect, send messages to your family/friends and enjoy the Holiday season.

Be good and be healthy.


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