Thursday, October 30

Holidays on the way - Protect to Prevent

Snowfall is already visible? Make sure to be warm and wear layers this winter.

Remember this is the time of the year we eat more than we should. Simple rules will keep you healthy and ready for the marathon of events at least until the end of the year. Keep a good workout log, drink plenty of liquids and keep your skin protected with a good moisturizer.

Enjoy the Holidays - be good and be healthy!

Friday, October 24

Any Skin can be a Sensitive Skin...

There are ways to minimize exposure to potentially irritating substances/products and avoid dryness of the skin or allergic reactions.

It is important to limit the contact with agents that can be irritant as much as possible and to minimize skin exposure. Use protective gloves when using harsh cleaners, solvents or disinfectants - wash it well and apply a good moisturizer afterward.

Harsh chemicals damage the skin by removing its natural oils and cause skin dryness. Dry or irritated skin becomes more susceptible to penetration of ingredients that would normally be unable to pass through the natural barrier of the skin’s surface.

Prevention is the best way to protect.

Be good and be healthy!


Thursday, October 23

The Cosmetic Acne Curse -- Halloween

Halloween is just around the corner -- and even GUYS are less shy and put some make-up on! If you think about it, we tend to put on all that old make-up that came with the costume... White foundation, purple lipstick and eye shadows... anything that looks creepy, it's the right color to use.

It's very important to remember:
1. OLD cosmetics can be rancid or contaminated (bacteria, mold, etc)
2. not suitable for your skin (comedogenic cosmetics that clog the pores)

Bottom line: with all the risks involved, better to buy new make-up -- otherwise this Halloween might come with the COSMETIC ACNE curse -- not a fun one.

Last thing: once the party is over, throw away everything you know you will not be using for at least another year -- to not feel tempted to use old stuff few years to come.

Be good, be healthy!


Tuesday, October 7

The Secrets about Beauty and Caffeine

Caffeine is present in coffee, Cola soda, and a lot of teas, including black tea. The substance caffeine is not a stranger to beauty products.

Caffeine is highly used in specialized creams for the eye area, to brighten tired eyes - the property of the substance is to constrict those most superficial and tiny blood vessels, a cause of dark eye circles, minimizing their appearance.

The deal with coffee and beauty is to not drink too much, since it dehydrates the body and stains the teeth. If you think about it, the same principle can be applied for red wine.

Be good and be healthy!
