Wednesday, August 29

Organic or not organic: this is not the only question

Organic food began as a small movement with farmers rejecting the use of conventional farming practices. They are environmentally and politically correct, they taste better and have more nutrients - they are better for you. The term Organic reached our produce at the supermarket and menu at the restaurant and now we see it in our cosmetics and in the natural material for our clothes.

Whatever the meaning is, the term has a connotation that if it’s organic, it’s good. It might cost a little more, but the results are beyond the fact that you have a great tasting tomato.

Organic in reference of food and agriculture, is a farming system that does not use pesticides, hormones, antibiotics and vaccines among other criteria. Pesticides are chemicals used to control pests, such as insects, weeds, birds, mammals, fungi, etc. They are usually, but not always, poisons.

Organic food is not irradiated, does not contain additives and cannot be genetically modified. It reinforces the integration of a profitable farming while supporting sustainable development harvesting.

Organic products typically cost more than similar conventionally produced products and might not be affordable to persons on a lower income. Many big companies are changing conventional methods of farming to organic standards and what originally had small farms and smaller scale. Prices may be higher because organic produce involves extra labor and is produced on a smaller scale.

Identifying organic products
The "certified organic" label is usually the only way we know that the product is "organic".
The NOP - National Organic Program (run by the USDA) is responsible for the legal definition of organic in the United States and organic certification.
The USDA Organic Seal is given to products that were grown/manufactured/handled in a manner that adheres to standards set by the NOP standards with at least 95% organic ingredients.

Organic and cosmetics
In October 21, 2003 organic standards in the US were only for Agriculture/Food Organics.

In August 2005 NOP's memo - to “clarify NOP’s position” on products that meet NOP's program standards for organic products based on content, independent of the end use of the product. The label was than extended to all “consumable” products that contain certified ingredients and wish to make the organic label claim. Private and voluntary International associations provide such certification for organic cosmetics, each with its own standards and certifications.

US Organic cosmetics content percentages and labeling requirements
Case 1: 100% certified Organic ingredients - can use the USDA seal. Important, water cannot be counted as an organic ingredient but if present, it has to be declared.
Case 2: 95% certified Organic + 5% allowed non organic ingredients - can use the USDA seal
Case 3: 70% certified Organic + 30% allowed non organic ingredients – cannot use the USDA seal

Keep in the perspective
There are many reasons why we should use organic products – it’s not only good for you but it’s great for the environment.

Be good and be healthy.


Saturday, August 25

Cellulite - Part IV - Final

The skin is an ever-changing organ that contains live structures and it need constant maintainance. Whatever you do today to improve the skin has to be done tomorrow to keep its health.

Cellulite possible causes
  • Gender & Genetics
  • Life style
Gender and Genetics
Estrogen and other female hormones play an important role in the deposit and distribution of the body fat.

We also know that cellulite happens almost exclusively in women, appointing female hormones as a very important factor in its development.

More factors
If your mother has cellulite, you most probably will have it. Also, women with big hips tend to have more tendencies to develop cellulite.

Still related to the hereditary factor, body fluids circulation plays a very important role – the importance of circulation is related to the cell nutrition and elimination of toxins. Women with varicose veins and spider veins tend to have poor circulation, thus more tendencies to cellulite.

Life style Stress, alcoholic beverages in excess, tobacco, processed food, excessive fat, sugar and salt consumption are closely related to the development of circulatory problems and cellulite.

Prevention and Treatment
Good habits go a long way to prevent or minimize cellulite and many other conditions.

Avoid the use of tight clothes and high heeled shoes to aid in keeping a good circulation.
Chill out: Minimize excessive stress by balancing life and work.
Good night sleep: Another good way to keep stress level down is to create a good environment prior going to sleep – by avoiding stimulants, such as caffeine intake at night.

Excesses: If you cannot stop completely, at least avoid excesses of alcoholic beverages, tobacco, processed food, excessive fat, sugar and salt consumption.

Work out: exercises that include muscle building and aerobic activities tend to have a positive result in the unaesthetic appearance of cellulite ‘orange peel’.

Massage: localized to promote fluid circulation in the affected areas to increase the elimination of toxins. One of the most popular massage for this purpose is the Lymphatic drainage, which will promote better circulation of the fluids in the lymphatic vessels.

Products: include active ingredients that act on the micro circulation and fatty cells. They are more effective if applied with massage for better absorption and improved local circulation.

Pharmacological agents:
1. Aminophylline, theophylline and caffeine belong to a chemical group known as methylxanthines. This group of substances can help the lypolysis (fat breakdown) – therefore they are present in many anti-cellulite products.
2. Pentoxifylline, which improves micro-circulation
3. Isoproterenol and adrenaline; yohimbine, piperoxan, phentolamine and dihydrohergotamine
4. Coenzyme A and L-carnitine (methylxantine enhancers)
5. Asiaticoside (present in the Asiatic centella) and Sillicium derivatives (micro vessels protection) 6. Rutin (present in the Indian chestnut) and Ginkgo biloba (action on micro circulation)

The challenge with any topical active ingredient is to have enough absorption in the site of action - in this case, the subcutaneous tissue.

Special products that target cellulite can be used topically, systemically, or transdermally. The appearance of ‘orange peel’ will most likely return when the treatment is ceased.

Chill out and combine methods for an overall response and a healthier life. Results can be seen in the very first Month and lasting results depend on frequency and discipline.

Be good and be healthy!


Tuesday, August 21

Cellulite - Part III

Anatomy of the Skin
The skin is the largest organ in the body. It is an ever-changing and complex organ that contains many specialized cells and structures each with a well determined function.

The main function of the skin is protection from the environment, and is also involved in maintaining the proper temperature for the body.

The skin is composed by 3 layers: epidermis, dermis and the subcutaneous tissue, this last being the main focus on the discussion about cellulite.

Epidermis is the outermost layer of skin.

Dermis is the next layer under the epidermis, which contains many specialized cells and structures, such as hair follicles, sebaceous (oil) glands, eccrine (sweat) glands, blood vessels, connective tissue, and nerves receptors and specialized nerve cells, responsible to transmit sensations, such as pain, temperature, touch, pressure.

The connective tissue provides the framework and insulation of the dermis layer. It offers a necessary insulation and stability between the various structures, permitting their proficient function.

It is composed primarily of collagen providing the tensile strength, ground substance, and elastic tissue, which as the name suggests, gives the skin its elasticity.

Subcutaneous tissue
The next layer of tissue is the subcutaneous tissue. This is a layer of fat and connective tissue that contains larger blood vessels and nerves.

This layer is important for the regulation of temperature of the skin and the body. The size of this layer varies throughout the body part, based on gender and genetics of each person.

The subcutaneous tissue contains “fat-cell chambers” separated by connective tissue. From these fat-cell chambers, small projections of fat cells reach the dermis. This unevenness and irregularity of the subcutaneous fat gives the skin the "orange peel" appearance of cellulite.

In the next postings we will be discussing about the possible causes of cellulite and treatments.

Meanwhile, be healthy and be good!


Friday, August 17

Cellulite - Part II

The cause of cellulite is more complex than saying that the orange peel skin is caused by an extra fat underneath the skin.

Cellulite is a unique and distinctive layer of subcutaneous body fat related to the fluid circulation between cells and vessels.

It is particularly common to females due to various factors, including hormones, family history, and age. Typically, women that have less body fat seem to have less cellulite.

Turning orange into peach peel

Incorporating a diet with less calories and salt, associated with aerobic exercise and sessions of lymphatic drainage and massage with products specific for cellulite tend to bring positive results.

Lasting results depend on discipline and keeping good habits.

Be healthy and be good.


Sunday, August 12

Cellulite - Part I

It can happen to you specially if you are a woman, after puberty, and not necessarily overweight.

Cellulite is a skin alteration often described as an unaesthetic appearance of ‘orange peel’ that occurs mostly in women, after puberty, and can show on the thighs, buttocks, lower abdomen, and in other unexpected places.

In this and the next posting we will be discussing about cellulite – its cause, what we can do to minimize its visibility, and answer a list of Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ.

The lesson we will learn is that treatments to minimize cellulite will eventually take you to a healthier life.

See ya,


Tuesday, August 7

Bath - a Healing Experience

Bathing is a popular activity enjoyed by people around the world. Various types of baths provide many benefits, such as relaxation, healing, purification of the body and soul.

History shows that the art of bathing is a science practiced by the Romans, the Greeks, the Egyptians and other ancient civilizations. Its indications went beyond the cleansing activity and it was also used for therapeutic purposes.

The Roman Bath was the most popular social activity for the ancient Romans. As an example, the essential oil of lavender (from the Latim word “lavare”, to wash), was used by the Romans that time. Lavender is known for its many uses as a therapeutic product, indicated for insomnia, relaxation, depression, as a pain killer, among other uses. Other ingredients, such as rose, ginger, olive oil, lemon were used and because of their properties, they remain popular even today.

Plan a weekend to go to a spa or bring the pampering and soothing feeling of a bath at home by adding some ingredients to the bath water. The market offers a number of options so you can have your own traditional bath. Bath salts, fizzy or not, with essential oils, bubble bath, among others. Twenty minutes should be the time you allocate for home baths and the water temperature should not be too hot.

You can fancy it up by arranging some candles and soft music, throwing some rose petals and use a nice body scrub with essential oils to exfoliate your skin and to make it glow.



Thursday, August 2

Sustainable Development and Beauty

The rain forest produces a wealth of renewable and sustainable resources, such as unique medicinal plants, nuts, fruits, oils, natural fibers, rubber, chocolate, among others. The Healing Power of Rain forest plants are for long used by the native Indians - scientists and researchers have just begun to uncover the medicinal properties of the rain forest flora.

Industries try to understand the productive process, such as researching, and studying new natural ingredients from the flora of the rain forest that may be explored in a sustainable manner, generating unique material. Inside this cycle, together with the conservation of the environment, the fauna rises as an important factor, promoting the dissemination and the productivity of most flora species – it’s a “win-win” situation.

Above all, the biodiversity has its intrinsic function of stability of the ecosystems, also owning the ecological, social, cultural, economical, and scientific values.

Supporting Sustainable Development Programs
Industries, including cosmetics have the opportunity to identify farms, which have a potential sustainable supply of the desired raw material as the first step to support such programs. Sustainable use of the biodiversity programs educate local producers, establishing a sustainable extraction. The result is the socio-economic inclusion of many families, supporting projects for the conservation of the local biodiversity, and the exercise of citizenship.

Time for Hope
We acknowledge the destruction that still happens in rain forests around the planet – our hope is in effectively providing environmentally safe and economically viable alternatives to the destructive activity.

Sustainable harvesting of rain forest plants is environmentally sound and makes more economic sense. It provides real and viable alternative methods to utilize their resources in sustainable programs, which will enable them to protect their resources for future generations.

Finally, supporting sustainable development programs... it's a beautiful thing.
