Monday, July 30

Hair - Part II

Hair Loss and Health
Hair loss can start at any time and can happen to anyone. It is normal to shed some hair each day as part of the normal cycle of hair growth. However, some people may experience excessive (more than normal) hair loss. Besides the fact that it represents a cosmetic issue, it might also be a health issue, since increased hair loss can be related to an illness.

Logistics – Numbers for Normal Cycle of hair growth
2 to 6: number of years for normal cycle of hair growth
1: number of centimeters each hair grows per month during the hair growth cycle
90: percentage of the hair growing at any one time on the scalp
10: percentage of hair that it is a resting phase at any one time
2 to 3: number of months after the resting phase that the hair falls out
0: starting point after the hair falls out and a new hair starts to grow in its place

Hair loss - Possible causes
Male standard alopecia: is the most common cause of hair loss affecting men after the puberty, since androgen hormones concentration is higher. Although alopecia is more common in men, it can also affect women and children.

Possible causes are as follows: genetics, aging, burns, lesions, poor diet, radiotherapy, conditions involving high fever, some infections, systemic illnesses, such as Lupus and Diabetes, use of some medications, such as Cancer medications, Vitamin A and derivatives, etc.

More causes - improper hair care
Hair style / improper hair care: tight hair rollers, waves - the pull on hair can cause hair loss. If the pulling is stopped before scarring of the scalp develops, the hair will grow back normally.

Chemical burns: perms and straightening may cause chemical burn and inflammation of the hair follicle, which can result in hair loss and even scarring of the scalp.

Hair loss can start at any time and happen to anyone. Talk to a professional and inform your family history, if you are taking medications, including vitamins, if you have any thyroid problems, and your daily diet. For women, also inform your menstrual cycle, use of birth control pills and if you are pregnant. The Doctor will probably take a biopsy and request a blood test to determine possible causes.

Treatments - reality check
There are many treatments available, depending on the cause of the hair loss. The success of the treatment will depend on the diagnosis in an early stage and in many cases, how consistent you use the medication. If it works, it might take about six months to see results. Depending on the cause, there is no cure and the hair loss will happen once you discontinue the treatment.

Treatment - options
1. Hair transplant - suitable for men or women, where the hair follicles are transferred from one part of the body to another
2. Oral medication, such as Finasteride, the generic name for the brand name Propecia – prescription only
3. Minoxidil (topical use) – in few cases Minoxidil shows to be effective to promote hair growth
4. Topical treatment (lotion or shampoo), such as capsaicin, peppermint, Jaborandi inducing hair growth by causing a local and small irritation
5. anti fungal medicines to treat the fungal infection that is causing the hair loss
6. Other treatments involve the use of corticosteroids, for hair loss related to the immune system.

Another cosmetic option is to try different hairstyles, use hairpieces, wigs or even make-up to cover-up the lack of hair in the area.

Check what is suitable for your condition and seek treatment as soon as possible, at least to clear the health issue. Finally, remember that what is inside is more important than what is outside.


Sunday, July 22

Hair - Part I

Oily hair

Oily hair has a damaging effect on a good appearance rule: it looks dull, flat and it also smells. Without engaging in too many details, we can address the problem and possible solutions.

-Oil or sebum is produced by a couple of glands, the sebaceous glands, located at the base of each hair.
-More hair, more glands, and more oil production.
-The oil production is genetic - if you mother or father has oily hair, you most probably will have it.
-Heat and humidity make you sweat and carry the oil along the hair more easily. With that in mind, it’s easy to understand how hair seems to be oilier in the summer.
-Hormones can affect the oil production by activating the sebaceous glands. Anything that affect hormones levels may also affect the production of oil, such as stress, use of birth control pills, and pregnancy.
-Touching and brushing the hair will carry the oil along the hair length, from the scalp to the ends.
-The texture of the hair also helps to show the oil – the finer the hair, the easier to have the oil distributed to the hair’s extension, and the appearance of oily hair is more visible.

Final thoughts
The sebaceous glands produce oil all the time; if you want to get rid of the oil, shampoo/wash your hair.

Choosing a Shampoo
The simpler the better – clear shampoos just clean the hair and tend to have less ingredients that will build-up. Also, specialists advice to change the brand of the shampoo periodically to avoid build-up.

Shampooing Tips
-Mix a little water with the shampoo on your hands to facilitate the shampooing
-Apply on hair and scalp for few minutes
-Repeat the process washing the hair 2-3 times and rinse it all off, prior applying the conditioner. The use of a hair conditioner is optional, since the oil would act preventing the hair static. Suggestion: try to apply the conditioner only on the hair ends. Conditioner and products that contain silicons are so closely attached to the hair that washing the hair more times might be necessary to get rid of the build-up.
- A good home-made recipe for making oily hair shinny is rinsing it at the very end with 1 teaspoon lemon concentrate or vinegar diluted in 2 cups of water. Use when possible mineral-free water, since minerals can promote build-up.
-Massaging the scalp should be done only during shower, gently, with the fingertips. It is recommended to increase circulation and to promote blood flow in the scalp.

A great hair cut will get rid of the damaged hair and would help to keep the body up and make your hair look healthy.

Trust a good professional to help you to find a new hair style for a change.


Thursday, July 5

Beauty tips for travellers

We work hard all year long - with all the planning for your well deserved trip, there is one detail to remember: the airplane trip!

Respecting the volume allowed for your carry-on is not easy, but we do our best... A good idea is to go to the travel supplies at the drugstore and buy those small containers of your favorite products or even the actual container to fill them out at home.

Carry-on must have:
  • hand sanitizer
  • moisturizer
  • lip gloss, lipstick or chap stick
  • skin toner
  • ear plugs and mask
  • Mouth wash, tooth brush, tooth paste and floss
  • Gum
  • Hair gel
  • Deodorant
  • Perfume

More tips:
Hydration: it improves the body fluids circulation. It's good for the body, it's great for the skin! Have orange juice, cranberry juice, apple juice, water and other drinks with little or no sugar and caffeine-free. Alcohol, sugar and caffeine dehydrate the body.
Exercise: Walk around, stretch while on your chair - it's very important for your circulation and helps to prevent or minimize swelling.
Moisturizer: Many times, depending how long the flight takes, the skin gets too dry. Clean your hands with a hand sanitizer and apply a good moisturizer. Avoid touching the face if the hand is not clean - in an airplane it's rather hard to desinfect your hands, touching your face can bring dirt from the environment to your skin and might promote the development of pimples.
Rest: Wear ear plugs and mask - it helps you to rest and feel a little more refreshed.

Final touch: make sure you have your deodorant on, apply a little gel on your hair, perfum, lipstick, sunglasses for the final effect and...

... look fabulous when leaving the airplane!
