Friday, January 27
Save the Date for Valentine's Day

Monday, April 25
Mother's Day Special Give Her Something to Brag About
Bossa Beauty moisturizer natural formula reverses the sun damage and prepares the skin for another hot Summer.
Bossa Beauty special Mother's Day - Get 30% off MSRP when you order the Açaí Body Moisturizer at order@BossaBeauty.com.
WHEN: 04/25/2011- 05/10/2011. All orders will have FREE gift wrapping. Cannot be combined to any other promotion. USA only.
USA Distribution - Milestone - Miami, SoBe
Bossa Beauty announces the new manager for the USA Distribution. Andy Eli will be handling our USA wholesale efforts.
Andy is strategically based in the swank district of South Beach, Miami and promises a brand new approach for Bossa Beauty USA.
For wholesale inquiries, call 305-280-6237 or email ANDYG1008@gmail.com - attention to Andy
Tuesday, June 29
Miami Heat
We are heading to Miami - party-style!
GET 10% off when you order the Acai Body Moisturizer by email at ORDER@bossabeauty.com.
WHEN: 07/01/2010 - 07/31/2010.
All orders will have FREE gift wrapping. Cannot be combined to any other promotion. USA only.
Tuesday, April 13
Celebrate Mother'r Big Heart

Bossa Beauty in anticipation of Mother's Day
GET 10% off when you order the Açaí Body Moisturizer by email ORDER@bossabeauty.com
WHEN: 04/11/2010 - 04/25/2010. All orders will have FREE gift wrapping. Cannot be combined to any other promotion.
Be good and be healthy.
Monday, February 22
Water out doesn't mean...

However, just putting water on the skin can't resolve the issue - to guarantee that the water in is kept in, we can use a good moisturizer that gently locks the water in without clogging the pores.
Using a gentle moisturizer with good quality ingredients does the work - and if you consider extra benefits like the presence of antioxidants, it's like the icing on the cake!
Be good and be healthy!
Friday, January 29
save the date

GET 10% off when you order the Acai Body Moisturizer online.
WHEN: 01/28/2010 - 02/05/2010.
To redeem online, enter the promotion code AMOR10 at checkout.
Tuesday, December 1
Bells in the Air - Stay Beautiful
In order to stay healthy and ready for the marathon of parties ahead:
1. Keep a good workout log
2. drink plenty of liquids and
3. keep your skin protected with a good moisturizer.
This Holiday Season - FREE GIFT WRAPPING.
Enjoy the season- be good and be healthy!
Thursday, July 2
Got Alcohol?

How alcohol dehydrates the skin
Considering the molecular level, the alcohol structure captures water decreasing the water available, necessary to keep the skin moist and hydrated.
Alcohol use
Alcohol is highly used as a solvent to active ingredients, as commonly seen in acne treatment pads, hand sanitizers, body moisturizers and many other products used to disinfect and to refresh the skin.
If the skin dehydrates, we have a dull, hard and unhealthy look. In some cases, the alcohol can trigger an inflammatory response, called dermatitis, causing redness and irritation on a sensitive skin.
Be good and be healthy!
Thursday, June 4
Detox, anyone?

I'm going to explore the subject in a couple of postings. A question for now: have you ever tried homemade beet with carrot, apple and orange juice? It's a Brazilian recipe to get ready for the Summer with a beautiful skin. Let me know if you have a yammy juice recipe to share.
Be good and Be Healthy!
Sunday, May 10
Quick Tips for a Healthier Skin

Here are Quick Tips for a glowing skin:
- Use a GOOD sunscreen to protect from the harmful UV rays
- Eating healthy food: it will benefit inside and out
- remember to have an annual check-up: check with your Family Physician the ones that you should not neglect based on your age, gender and life style
- Workout: you can immediately feel the benefits of a good workout: the skin glows after a little sweat
- Hydrate well - drink more water (juices, decaffeinated teas, etc.) especially if you drink coffee and alcohol.
Be Good and be Healthy!
Wednesday, April 22
Here Comes the Sun... Again

It's time to talk to your Dermatologist about giving a break on skin treatments -- Treatments to correct the damage caused by the sun exposure for a smooth and even skin tone are risky with so much sun exposure.
The use of exfoliation and chemicals might cause irritation and discoloration to a skin sensitive to the sun. Always use sunscreen, hydrate well, use a good moisturizer and the skin will be good to a show. http://www.bossabeauty.com
Be good and be healthy!
Tuesday, March 3
Vitamin C

Acerola (pic) is a fruit with high concentration of VITAMIN C.
Sure enough, our Bossa Beauty Acai Body Moisturizer contains vitamin C.
Be good and be healthy!
Friday, February 6
Wear RED day - Heart Disease Awareness

TODAY is a day when Americans nationwide will wear red to show their support for women's HEART DISEASE AWARENESS.
Do you have your RED on, girl?
Be Good and be Healthy.
Tuesday, January 6
Carnaval in 2009

Carnaval date
The calculation is based on the Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday - 46 days prior Easter Sunday is the Ash Wednesday and 4 days prior (or 50 days prior Easter) is the beginning of the Carnaval.
Carnaval in 2009 is in Feb 21-24, in 2010 Feb 13-16, and in 2011 in Mar 5-8.
Celebrating Carnaval or not, remember to hydrate well, workout and to use our great moisturizer for a healthy skin.
Be good and be healthy!
Wednesday, December 17
Winter Skin Treatments
The use of exfoliation and chemicals can be helpful to even the skin tone. Since those treatments might cause irritation to sensitive skin, make sure to follow your Dermatologist's instructions.
Be good and be healthy!
Sunday, November 9
A Center for Healing

Moksha is Sanskrit for 'liberation' and Moksha Life Center is a place to heal and care for ones body and well being."
Pumper yourself with an awesome BRAZILIAN YOGA with FABIANA OZAKI and make sure to take our super Açaí Body Moisturizer home.
Be good and be healthy!
Thursday, October 30
Holidays on the way - Protect to Prevent
Remember this is the time of the year we eat more than we should. Simple rules will keep you healthy and ready for the marathon of events at least until the end of the year. Keep a good workout log, drink plenty of liquids and keep your skin protected with a good moisturizer.
Enjoy the Holidays - be good and be healthy!
-Vanessa ;)
Friday, October 24
Any Skin can be a Sensitive Skin...

It is important to limit the contact with agents that can be irritant as much as possible and to minimize skin exposure. Use protective gloves when using harsh cleaners, solvents or disinfectants - wash it well and apply a good moisturizer afterward.
Harsh chemicals damage the skin by removing its natural oils and cause skin dryness. Dry or irritated skin becomes more susceptible to penetration of ingredients that would normally be unable to pass through the natural barrier of the skin’s surface.
Prevention is the best way to protect.
Be good and be healthy!
Thursday, October 23
The Cosmetic Acne Curse -- Halloween
It's very important to remember:
1. OLD cosmetics can be rancid or contaminated (bacteria, mold, etc)
2. not suitable for your skin (comedogenic cosmetics that clog the pores)
Bottom line: with all the risks involved, better to buy new make-up -- otherwise this Halloween might come with the COSMETIC ACNE curse -- not a fun one.
Last thing: once the party is over, throw away everything you know you will not be using for at least another year -- to not feel tempted to use old stuff few years to come.
Be good, be healthy!
Tuesday, October 7
The Secrets about Beauty and Caffeine

Monday, September 29
Our SKIN - Our Health & Beauty Meter

- Use a good sunscreen to protect from the harmful UV rays
- Eating healthy food will show inside and out - remember to have an annual check-up; check with your Family Physician the ones that you should not neglect based on your age, gender, life style;
- Workout: you can immediately feel the benefits of a good workout -- the skin glow will show
- Hydrate well - drink more water (juices, decaffeinated teas, etc.) especially if you drink coffee and alcohol.
Be good, be healthy!
Thursday, September 25
OLIVE oil - Resources available at Home

Have you tried yourself? I got my own OPINION but I'm curious to hear yours. Let me know WHERE you used it and overall FEEL.
In my experience, it was great to know the properties of the olive oil. it contains antioxidants and important substances, such as Vit. E-- aside of it, the smell is not pleasant and the feel is rather too oily. It makes more sense if it's in cosmetics.
OLIVE oil label - the better oil has the grade "VIRGIN" - Extra-Virgin is the absolute best oil - it contains LOW acidity (< 0.8%) and it comes from cold pressing the olives. In cooking or Cosmetics, the better oil is the less processed, virgin oil.
Tips: 1. to help remove make-up, use pure olive oil -- let it soak the area for a minute, take it out with cotton and warm water. It's better than soap/detergents ;^D
2. use pure olive oil on the cuticles after doing your manicure. The healing properties and the nourishing oil help to strenghten the nails.
Be goood, be healthy!
Sunday, September 7
Independence Day - September 7th

Brazil was a colony of Portugal since 1500 until its independence in 1822 - it had an empire, a monarchy and an unique bloodless independence from Portugal.
As you can find many Brazilian parties in your town, remember to hydrate well.
Be good and be Healthy!
Sunday, August 17
Correcting the Damage caused in the Summer
Among those treatment options, we got exfoliation and chemicals that can be used to even the skin tone, if done correctly. More later...
Be good and be Healthy!
Wednesday, August 6
Summer to Fall

Saturday, July 26
Capoeira - Brazilian Fitness Secret

More about BRAZIL: CAPOEIRA is a martial art coming from Brazilian slaves in the colonial times - it builds incredible strenght and flexibility. Many athletes complement their workout with CAPOEIRA.
Be good and be healthy!
Thursday, July 24
Countdown - July 30th. - BossaBeauty Launch
Friday, July 11
Forum - Let's Vote

What is the PERSONAL CARE PRODUCT you would pay most (Dollar amount):
1. Face moisturizer (for wrinkles)
2. Body moisturizer
3. Anti-cellulite
4. Sunscreen or
5. Hand/Foot moisturizer/exfoliator
6. Other
If you pick sunscreen - are you willing to pay most for your sunscreen compared to any other option?
Tuesday, June 24
Skin Treatments in the Summer
No time to mess around with skin treatments that will exfoliate the skin (microdermabrasion, salycilic acid, retinoic acid, etc.) - the skin will be much more sensitive to the UV rays from the sun.
Keep in mind that SKIN treatments are potentially dangerous with the SUN EXPOSURE.
The rule is to have such formulas (acne, wrinkles, etc.) any season that the sun rays are not as intense, to minimize the harmful effects on the sensitive skin. In case you are still under treatment, make sure to have extra SUN protection.
Apply SUNSCREEN and a good MOISTURIZER often to prevent burns, wrinkles and spots.
Enjoy the sun, be good and be healthy!
Thursday, June 12
Feliz Dia dos Namorados

Monday, June 9
Elbows and Knees - Not Forgotten
A simple, natural homemade recipe to give a nice treatment to your ELBOWS and KNEES is to make a little paste made with sugar, lemon juice, olive oil and rub it on. It helps to slightly exfoliate, bleach and add some oil - wash it afterwards. You can instantly reveal a lighter and smoother skin.
Important to note - because is has lemon juice, avoid sun exposure! =)
Apply a good moisturizer and sunscreen during the day, as you would do for other parts of your body. The Açaí Body Moisturizer would be perfect for it - to be launched by July 1st -- keep that in mind.
Be good and be healthy!
Thursday, May 29
Sunburns - Managing the Pain
Tuesday, May 27
Time for Sunscreen
There are many different substances that act as a sunscreen. There are also different categories that work as sunscreens - PHYSICAL filters will work reflecting the sun rays and CHEMICAL filters react with the sun rays to prevent it to reach the skin structures.
Sun rays are important for many natural biochemical reactions, important to the skin and bones, as an example -- but the excess might cause burns, photoaging and more serious damage to healthy skin structures.
Drink lots of WATER and ENJOY the sun.
Be good and be healthy!
Wednesday, May 21
Antioxidants in Nature

Acai is one of the world’s most nutritious, powerful fruits - it comes from an Amazon palm tree. Beneath its purple pigment is a berry packed with antioxidants, amino acids, and essential fatty acids - with one of the highest antioxidant levels found in nature, açaí was named one of nature’s 10 superfoods.
Researchers are investigating its actives to be use against conditions, such as cancer.
The pulp is served in Brazil as a frozen smoothie with banana and granola, I always thought it tastes like eating earth with banana -- but became addicted to it just because it's great to your health -- I really like the version sold at JambaJuice... mixed with other fruits - it's good for you and super yammy!
Be good and be healthy!
Monday, May 5
Preparing for the Summer

Saturday, April 19
Spring time Hair

Thursday, March 20
Spring Time

The first day of spring this year (2008) is March 20 - more precisely at 5:48 GMT. Most flowering plants bloom this time of year, in a long succession and continuing into early summer.
In general, the four seasons correspond to the relative position of the Sun to the earth. The determination of the Spring season is calculated when the Sun passes through the equatorial plane.
When going from Winter to Spring, the Sun is moving North, and as soon as the Sun crosses the equator, we call it Spring.
Be good and be healthy.
Tuesday, March 4
Here comes the Sun

With so much cold/warm transition, the body may feel a little more - keep the vitamins intake and wear layers - be prepared for ocasional change in the temperature.
Be good and be healthy.
Thursday, February 28
Bossa Nova - 50 years of Bossa

Thursday, February 21
Contact Dermatitis - an unpleasant itch...

- Superficial regions of the skin are affected
- Inflammation of the affected tissue is present in the 2 superficial skin layers
- It takes days to fade away
- It fades only if the skin no longer comes in contact with the allergen or irritant.
- It is essential that the agent that caused the contact dermatitis is removed – even when the agent removal, a chronic contact dermatitis can still develop.
The causes of irritants related to contact dermatitis are various and so it’s their mechanism of action.
Example of triggers: poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac, highly alkaline substances (such as lye and other hair straighteners), detergents/concentrated soaps, cleaning products, rubbers
organic solvents (acetone, alcohol, etc).
Mechanism: Detergents, surfactants, extremes of pH, and organic solvents all have the common effect of directly affecting the barrier properties of the epidermis, while removing the natural skin oil and increasing the trans epidermal water loss.
Treatment: is based on using corticosteroid based creams and avoiding at all cost the agent that initiated the irritation.
Be good and be healthy.
Sunday, February 10
Valentine's Day in Brazil

No matter the date, it's always nice to have a reason to celebrate friendship and to demonstrate your affection to the loved ones...
Be good and be healthy.Vanessa
Tuesday, February 5
Tuesday, January 22
CARNAVAL is around the corner!

Tuesday, January 15
Beauty Salons in the Bay Area - SF

This Brazilian salon offers various hair treatments, waxing, including the Brazilian bikini waxing - manicure, pedicure, massage, facial, among other treatments.
The owner of this charming spot is Marisa - she is a beautiful blond woman from the Southern of Brazil - looking at her you wonder how mixed Brazilian culture is - she probably is a German or Italian descendant.
I did my hair and spoke with Marisa about cosmetics, treatments and options in the skincare. She specializes in natural treatments and showed me a wide experience with various treatments.
I'll certainly be back!
Be good and be healthy.
Friday, January 4
Moisturizers to Prevent Skin Aging

The way the skin is hydrated is by:
- building a film on the skin - locking the water in and to not evaporate or
- using low-molecular weight substances avid for water molecules – that absorb the water surrounding the skin and keep it hydrated.
Examples of such substances are naturally occurring skin lipids, natural oils, glycerin, PCA-Na, lanolin, petrolatum, urea, lactic acid, and sorbitol. Many other substances can be added to the basic formula with a positive influence on the skin, such as antioxidants, sunscreens, etc.
The challenge is to hydrate the skin without giving the oily looks and without clogging the pores. There is a formula for each part (face, feet, hands, legs, etc) and case (normal, dry, oily skin) as well a combination of each.
Moisturizers are important to the health of the skin, helping it to keep its elasticity, repairing and protecting from environmental aggressions, and ultimately preventing it from premature aging.
Be healthy and be good.
Seize the day

Time to have a fresh new start and to keep the New Year's resolution in action. Let's eat right, work-out and keep a good attitude.
Be healthy and be good.
Thursday, December 20
Skin absorption - Validation

My friend Sizzzle, Biology major - comment at Zannel.com, validating my research and postings. Not only beautiful, but smart too...
Be good and be healthy!
Mens Sana - New Year's Resolution

In order to to simplify things, I decided to choose among few things for this upcoming year.
1. Working towards some causes, such as AIDS, vascular diseases, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, work in the community as a volunteer, green, and recycling efforts;
2. Personal achievements, such as making my cosmetics business successful yet ethical, be punctual, go out more often with my husband and friends, be more social, and periodically contact family and friends - even if they live far from me
3. Finally, to practice the idea of Mens sana in corpore sano... "Mens sana in corpore sano " is a famous Latin quotation that translates as "A sound mind in a sound body." This is one of my favorite phrase - and often use it as my motto. In this case, routinelly work-out and as often as possible bring friends along.
I am still in the final process in determining all the NYR - but am really taking it seriously this time - at least we will see in the third Month of the next year... What is your NYR?
Be good and be healthy.
Thursday, December 13
Condition - Doctor's Advice Needed
- Keep track of all signs/symptoms - even if you are not sure if it's relevant
- Ask what the Doctor says the condition is - write down the name
- Ask what the options are for the treatment
- Ask how long the treatment usually takes
- Ask what the side effects of the therapy are
- Ask what can happen if you discontinue the treatment
- Ask what is the expected time frame for the healing process - and what is the worst case scenario
Monday, December 10

What is allergy
Allergy is a defensive immune response to some substances when the body does not recognize those. The purpose of this reaction is to inactivate this foreign substance and to protect against a potential harm to the body.
Allergic reaction can be life-threatening. Mast cells activation, specially when the allergen is injected - injectable drugs and insects bites - can cause a potentially fatal syndrome called anaphylactic shock. Symptoms include 1. increase in vascular permeability causing a dramatic drop on the blood pressure; 2. airways constrict, causing difficulty in breathing; and 3. swelling of the epiglottis that can cause suffocation in susceptible individuals. The timely injection of epinephrine relaxes the smooth muscle and reverses the scenario.