Tuesday, May 27

Time for Sunscreen

*SUNSCREEN* contains ingredients that will prevent harmful SUN RAYS to reach the SKIN structures -- it's essential to REAPPLY it every 20 Min to make sure your skin is always PROTECTED.

There are many different substances that act as a sunscreen. There are also different categories that work as sunscreens - PHYSICAL filters will work reflecting the sun rays and CHEMICAL filters react with the sun rays to prevent it to reach the skin structures.

Sun rays are important for many natural biochemical reactions, important to the skin and bones, as an example -- but the excess might cause burns, photoaging and more serious damage to healthy skin structures.

Drink lots of WATER and ENJOY the sun.

Be good and be healthy!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Skin protection with sunscreen? *Ms. BossaBeauty*: My dermatology specialist agrees with you - not only apply it, but reapply on a regular basis. Thanks for this important message posting.